Building the evidence base for Australia's next National Oral Health Plan
The current Plan has served as Australia’s long-term strategy (2015-2024) for improving oral health outcomes, fostering system innovation, and enhancing coordination across the broader healthcare system.
As we prepare for the next Plan (2025-2034), it is essential to build on the achievements of the current plan while also responding to new challenges and emerging priorities and opportunities in oralhealth.
The Commonwealth and states and territories are working inpartnership to develop the next Plan – “In June 2023, all Australian Health Ministers agreed to the development of the National Oral Health Plan for 2025-34and in March 2024 considered the overarching governance arrangements to supportthe new Plan’s development.”.
A Governance Group has been established to lead and oversee the development of the next Plan and includes representation from all jurisdictions, with the Australian and South Australian Government as co-chairs, a nominated Dental Director, and the Australian Institute of Healthand Welfare.
To support the work of the NOHP Governance Group, the Department of Health and Aged Care has engaged HealthConsult to provide expert analysis, facilitate stakeholder engagement, and ensure the next Plan is grounded in a robust evidence base.
Central to HealthConsult’s approach are three co-design workshops that it will deliver in partnership with the human-centred designers at ThinkPlace. These co-design workshops will draw insightfrom a wide range of stakeholders, including healthcare providers, policymakers, consumers, and representatives of priority populations. The insights and feedback from participants will assist the Governance Group to shape the direction of the next Plan.
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Department of Health and Aged Care